The bridge lit up
The Guardians of Scotland Trust
The Guardians of Scotland Trust is constituted as a registered charity since 2013, comprised of representation from the Andrew de Moray Project, the Society of William Wallace, and the Trustees of the GOST will consistently include Stirling Council's Provost, and a nominated councilor.
The Guardians of Scotland Trust was originally set up in 2012 to advance the education of the public about the co-commanders of the First War of Scottish Independence, Sir Andrew de Moray and William Wallace, and to create a significant legacy memorial at Stirling Bridge in their honour.
It is generally regarded that little is known about the role that Andrew de Moray played in the Battle of Stirling Bridge 1297; he died as a result of his wounds within one year of the battle. Wallace holds worldwide reputation and not least of all in recent times aided by the Hollywood dramatisation Braveheart, which excludes mention of Andrew de Moray.
To date there has been no interpretation on site for the public of the equal role played by Wallace and de Moray at Stirling Bridge 1297. In August 1297, the two were jointly acknowledged by their followers as ‘commanders of the army of the kingdom of Scotland and the community of the realm.
Should you wish to make a donation to help fund the project, please select 'About GOST' and then 'Donate' from the menu at the top of each page. Thanks in anticipation!
Following the successful illumination of Stirling Bridge on the 10th of March this year, please visit our Facebook page for various photographs, video links and information about the lighting contractors: https://www.facebook.com/GuardiansScotland and https://www.fes-group.co.uk/lighting-up-stirling-bridge Our thanks to all who attended on a very chilly evening, and to all those who contributed to a magnificent musical fundraiser in Stirling Rugby Club afterwards.
Website design by Werewolf Enterprises Inc., Alba 2023 Site created: 18th May 2023
Last updated: 14th January 2024